Benefits of membership
Membership in the Marine Historical Society of Detroit is an excellent way to gain insight into the Great Lakes shipping scene past and present. We would be pleased to have you join us. Annual dues are just $40 and include:
12 issues of our monthly publication, The Detroit Marine Historian. View a recent issue HERE.
The society's beautiful, full-color 12-month calendar featuring color images of historic Great Lakes vessels, the only annual calendar of its kind and sure to please any ship buff.
Invitations to our regular entertainment meetings. In the past, these have included cruises about the Diamond Jack River Tours boats as well as our annual dinner meeting, held each year in May.
Past calendars and back issues of The Historian are available to members at a modest cost. Each month features the color picture and information relating to the history of the vessel.
As a non-profit 501 (c) (3) and a fully volunteer organization, The Marine Historical Society of Detroit counts on members like you to help support its endeavors in the preservation of Great Lakes maritime history. As we all know, many fine chapters of history have drawn to a close as the size of the Great Lakes fleet continues to dwindle. With your help we will continue fulfilling our mission, which is to remember the ships and sailors that have plied the Great Lakes and their contributions to our history.
Membership is $40 USD / Canada and $50 International.
You can send your membership dues to Vincent Cioletti at 10 Port Avenue, Monroe, MI, 48161 or electronically via PayPal.
Our membership and fiscal year begins September 1. Current issues of The Historian starting with the September issue, along with the current calendar, will be sent to those who join in midyear.
If you are an existing member, renewal notices are sent in July of each year. If you do not renew by September, we will remove you from our mailing list.
We appreciate your past support of the Society, its programs and publications. We certainly hope that you will continue to be a part of our future and we look forward to providing you the many benefits of membership, including our annual calendar and the monthly Detroit Marine Historian, that you have enjoyed in the past. Your promptness in renewing your membership is appreciated.